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 A Harvest Moon Dream

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2 posters

Number of posts : 64
Age : 28
Location : Zoning randomly..... Wait what?
Registration date : 2009-01-01

A Harvest Moon Dream Empty
PostSubject: A Harvest Moon Dream   A Harvest Moon Dream Icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2009 1:32 pm

6:30 AM. Overslept by 30 minutes. Chris searched his bedside table until he found the clock. Half asleep, he slapped the alarm button. He ran his fingers through his brown hair. Today he was supposed to go meet Takarua, his father’s best friend. Takaura had sent him a letter last week, informing him on his father’s death. Chris’s fathers worked on a farm with Takaura, and in his will he left it to Chris. The letter had also requested Chris to come to Forget-Me-Not-Valley and run it. Having gotten the letter on his 22nd birthday, and just graduating from college, it seemed like Chris had just scored his own place. The thought of having to take care of the farm never even passed his mind
Takaura mentioned that the place had its downs, but didn’t mention what those downs were, just in case Chris decided he didn’t want to come. So as Chris pulled on his FMNV cap (Forget me not valley. He just wanted to wear because that was where he was going), thoughts of living on a happy farm ran through his head. He had thrown on a white shirt, overalls, and a handkerchief around his neck. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and realized how much he looked like his father; same emerald eyes, long brown hair, same everything. Chris rolled up his sleeves and grabbed his rucksack, and walked out his apartment door. He whistled at least five times before a taxi finally pulled up. Paying the fare, he sat in the back. The trip felt like it took ages. “Good thing I brought my book.” He said to himself. Rummaging through his backpack, he found Takaura’s letter. “It was your father’s dream to have a family farm.” Family farm…
Thoughts of having a wife and son while living there started to come through his head. He put his hands in his lap and closed his eyes.


“Hey…Hey kid! Wake up!” Chris shook his head and looked up at the taxi driver. “Forget-Me-Not-Valley?” He asked, “Uh-huh.” Chris got out of the car and watched it drive away. His eyes searched for a farm, but all he could see was the open space and the town a mile ahead. Soon a small figure started to walk up towards him. Chris went up closer and saw an old man coming towards him. He ran until he was face to face with him. “Hello, Chris. I’m Takaura.”
Chris shook his hand firmly, but he was very confused. He had imagined some guy around his 40s. Not some 68-year-old man! “Nice to meet you too.” His voice was shaky as she spoke. Takaura just smiled, “Nervous?” Chris nodded. Takaura’s also seemed to be nervous. What if he decided to leave once he saw what the farm looks like? So he decided to stall for a while. “How about I show you around?” They started to walk over to an Inn. Inside, he saw two 50-year-old-people. “This is the Inner Inn. Over there is Ruby.” He pointed to the woman by a stove. The man came next to her and murmured something, “And that’s Tim. They both run the Inn. They have a son… Somewhere…” Just then, a boy and girl Chris’s age came down the stairs. The girl was unnaturally beautiful to Chris. “For the last time, I NEVER LIKED YOU!!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. The boy just smiled, “Lumina, we all know that you did and do.” Lumina… so that was her name. “Hey, Rock, Lumina, break it up!” Takaura yelled over at them. They came towards them, faces red. “Guys, this is Chris. Chris, this is Rock and Lumina. Rock is Tim and Ruby’s son and Lumina lives over in the villa, which we will go to soon.” Takaura turned to Rock and Lumina, “Chris is taking over them farm. His father left it to him.” Rock shook his hand, and Lumina nodded and smiled. Rock, at first, started to snicker, and then chortle, then he broke into laughter. “So you’ve been suckered into taking car of that dump?” Chris coked his head inquiringly, while Lumina glared at Rock. “It needs work but it is not a dump.” Rock’s smile immediately transformed into a frown. Lumina turned to Takaura and softly said, “Takaura, you’re tired aren’t you? Go home and rest, I can show Chris around.” His wrinkled face suddenly seemed old and worn out. “Thanks.” And walked away. Rock shrugged and simply said, “I’ve got better things to do.” And started to walk away, when he turned around to them. “Just don’t go stealing my girl.” Lumina’s face turned a bright shade of maroon. “I am not your girl!” she muttered under her breath as Rock dashed over to the Inn. They stood in silence for a very uncomfortable moment. Chris decided to break the ice, “Shall we see the rest of town?” he asked. Lumina’s nod was short, and she immediately began to walk. Chris took this time to see her qualities. Short brown hair, but silky. Big brown eyes, but warm. Proper clothes, but casual. He looked back at the metal picture of Rock. Beach blonde hair, and eyes like a sea after a storm. “This is the Blue Bar. I sometimes come here when I feel stressed or worn out. Griffin and Muffy work here, and Griffin plays his guitar on rare occasions.” A girl with long curly blonde hair was staring out the window at him. When she noticed him looking around, she wiggled her fingers at him. Chris pulled his hat down and said, “ Nice to know they have one of these here. Not to sound impatient, but want to go too that place down there?” he pointed to a house with wires coming out from everywhere. “Well…. That’s Daryl. He’s a scientist. Most likely he is in a deep slumber. You probably don’t want to meet him. How about Mustafa?” They walked down over to a tent suited for a hippie. Sitting by a tree near by, a man was strumming away on his guitar. “Hello Lumina. Came to join my melody?” the man had a high-pitched voice, but it seemed to be singing as well. “Not this time, Mustafa. I’m here to introduce you to Chris. Chris, Mustafa.” Mustafa stood up and shook Chris’s hand. But he didn’t let go. He studied Chris’s face, and then smiled. “Now that is a face I haven’t seen in a while.” And then he darted away, leaving Chris dumbfounded. Lumina just giggled, “Mustafa always said that he had met you before. Well I’m going to tell you the name of other people here so we can save time and so that way you don’t have to meet the loonies.” She took a deep breath before continuing, “Cody is a artist and he lives near Daryl. Kate lives with her dad in the house across the Blue Bar, and Galen lives in a hut by the clearing. Dr. Hardy live next to Kate, and Hugh lives with his mom and dad, Lily and Daniel. Oh, Kate and Hugh are both 6.” She inhaled deeply and sighed “Wow. Wait, where do you live?” Chris asked curiously. Lumina giggled again, “What, are you going to stalk me?” She led him by the three houses, past the Blue Bar, and through a path or cobblestones. Before his very eyes, was a huge... mansion?

Sorry! It got too big. I post the rest next
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Number of posts : 64
Age : 28
Location : Zoning randomly..... Wait what?
Registration date : 2009-01-01

A Harvest Moon Dream Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Harvest Moon Dream   A Harvest Moon Dream Icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2009 1:33 pm

"You live here?” they walked closer up to it. Chris could now see an old woman with a butler beside her. “Chris, this is my butler Sebastian and my grandmother, Rosa.” Chris smiled and shook Sebastian’s hand, “A good firm grip.” He said to Chris. Rosa narrowed her eyes, and gave a very curt nod when Chris bowed to her. Suddenly, his mind was racing with questions. Where was her parent? Why does she live with her grandma? Lumina directed him towards the path again. She quickened her paced and once they where out of earshot, she stopped. Her voice became shaky as she spoke. “Chris, you may be wondering why I live with Rosa. Well when I was young, my parents had a car crash. She was kind enough to take me in. I just thought you should know.” She walked even faster than before. Chris would have said something if he wasn’t so shocked. He just walked along with her in silence. As they approached the farm entrance, Lumina slowed. He looked in, and froze at what he saw. The place was a dump. The buildings had a thick mold coating. Plants had wilted in the fields. The pasture was filled with junk. “W-what happened here?” Chris walked around slowly, inspecting the damage. “Chris,” Lumina sighed, “When your father died, this place seemed to die along with him. They just didn’t seem to want to live. Animal passed or ran away. Plants just wilted, even with water. Keeping the buildings clean was a hassle for Takaura. He couldn’t help it. So the place just fell apart. Chris, please, helps it become the same wonderful farm it used to be.” Chris paused for a minute. Did he really want to stay here? But he had already said yes to Takaura, and he never broke a promise. “This farm was brilliant under my father’s care. I believe that I can do that to.” He patted the old barn and turned to see Lumina’s eyes sparkling. “Come. I need to show you something.” She grabbed his hand and started to run to the beach. Once there, she pulled out a boat and motioned him to climb in. Chris got in, and rowed the boat in the direction Lumina wanted him to. Twenty minutes later, they turned into a huge willow tree. The leaves parted to reveal a small lagoon with an island in the middle. Fireflies swarmed around them and crickets chirped loudly. They stopped to boat on the island and got off. Lumina went towards the tree trunk holding the tree. “My mom showed me this place. She told me to come and relax here when I feel overworked… Oh how I miss her…” “I know how you feel.” Chris murmured. “I lost Mom when I turned 12. And now with Dad gone…” Lumina turned around to find that Chris had removed his hat to let his long brown hair drop over his eyes to cover the couple of rare tears being shed. The rest seemed to be a blur to him. All he could remember was them leaning towards each other, her soft brown hair against his cheek, and the soft titer of a crickets

The loud beep of his alarm clock woke Chris up the next morning. Sitting in bed, his mind ran through what had previously happened. He smiled, then jumped up and walked over to his dresser, pulled out his clothes, put on his clothes, and grabbed an axe as he headed out the door. He had to shield his eyes from the bright sun. Takaura had placed a map of the farm on his door, for when he was planning out his day. Pointing to the field, Chris mad a mental note to mark where stones and stumps were on it. Chris jogged over to the field, axe in hand. CRACK; THUD; WHOOSH; CRACK; the sounds boomed through the valley. CRACK; his axe hit a stump or twig; THUD; the wood chunk fell to the ground; WHOOSH; the piece goes flying over to the lumber shed. Sweat dripped down Chris’s forehead. He wasn’t even paying attention. It had become a rhythm in his mind. His mind was off in his own world, thinking of the past. He almost didn’t hear Takaura calling his name. “Chris!” He straightened his back to face Takaura walking towards him, huffing short breaths. “Well look at that! Not even twenty-four hours and Chris already has a girlfriend! And no other but Miss. Lumina!” Chris’s face went scarlet, and he knew it. Acting like he didn’t hear that last comment, he asked, “Did Dad ever complain about working here?” The old man’s eyes grew somber. “No, but you could tell he was always tired. His face was wrinkled because of over work. But that didn’t stop him.” Chris gave a short nod, and asked with a sigh, “So how did everyone learn about last night?” “Someone heard you talking and saw it. Though no one knows who saw…” Chris ran his fingers through his hair. He shrugged and continued to chop the wood. “Lumina! Welcome!” Takaura’s voice said behind him. “Hello, Takaura.” Chris turned and smiled. “Chris.” Lumina said with a curtsy. He bowed and smiled as he asked, “ What brings you to my peasant home, Your Highness?” “I bring you news from my castle. A party is being held at the Saloon around 6 at night. We are celebrating the Harvest moon, which brings us good quality crops. Please, come with high spirits.” Was her polite response. “Blue Bar at 6. Got it. See you there then?” “Definitely.” Chris watched as Lumina walked swiftly out of the farm. He looked around the field. Even though the stumps were gone, boulders still stood in the way. He acquired his hammer, and set to work on smashing them, keeping his eye on his watch at the same time. The sounds of boulders collapsing rang in his ears. His timing was great, 6 came right as he was done. Rushing into the house, he put away his tools and changed into a red plaid shirt with jeans. Chris walked out his door, and started to go to the bar. Rock, up in his room, was watching him pass the Inn. “That fool. City people don’t belong here. So he thinks that just because he is new, he can just come and use his city moves on my girl?” He started to pace around the room. “I’ve got to get rid of him. But how… I will need help….” He grabbed a piece of paper, wrote down the plan he just thought of, and dashed out the door. He practically knocked Chris off his feet. Mind spinning, Chris continued to the Bar. He could hear the loud talk going on inside 10 yards away. Inside was worse. He could barely hear what everyone was saying because it was so loud. Alas, he could hear the yell of “Farmer boy!” coming from the bar. Chris fought his way over, just to find the same beautiful girl that wiggled her fingers at him earlier, standing in front of him with a glass of rum. “Err…. It’s Chris. Uh, thanks for the rum? How much?”
“Free. For you.” She gave him a wink. Chris felt extremely uncomfortable. He felt his face flush as he drank the alcohol. Smacking his lips, he exclaimed, “This is very sweet! Are you sure this is rum?”
“Hmm….” He took another sip. The sweetness lasted only for a moment. It became, suddenly, very bitter. Chris held the glass at a distance, inspecting it. “Chris!” he name rang through the pub. Grinning, he turned to see Lumina walking up to him. “Well, you are just everywhere! But then again,” he smirked, “This is the royal party that you threw. Your highness.” He bowed to her. Looking up, he saw her with her arms folded across her chest, and she was shaking her head. But, she smiled. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Try this. It tastes a little odd. Rum here might be different, but I can’t be sure.”
She took the glass from his hand and took one big gulp. Smacking her lips also, she muttered, “Honeysuckle Dream…?” Muffy, the beautiful blonde, turned pale. She slinked into the back room. Griffin, a man in his 30’s, came out and swiftly grabbed a guitar. He perched on one table and started to sing while he strummed away. Everyone stopped talking to listen to the music coming from his mouth. Chris’s foot started to tap to the beat. This song was very familiar to him. His father would hum Chris to sleep when he had nightmares. It was over too soon, and Griffin stood up, scanning the crowd. “He’s searching for someone to go up and sing something new. Usually the hippie plays.” Griffin’s eyes shot down to Chris. A smile slowly crept up his face. “Chris, why don’t you come up and show us what city folk listens to.” Chris froze. Everyone urged him onto the table. Sighing he said to the crowd, “Well, I have to say, I’m one of the odd balls. I don’t listen to what most listen to. But this song I heard on the radio on my way here. It’s called ‘You belong to me’ by Jacob Wade.” His warm voice rang in people’s ears. It was like angels decided to come down and celebrate with them.
“Fly the Ocean
In a silver plane;
See the jungle
When it’s wet with rain;
Just remember till you’re
Home again;
You belong to me.
And I’ll be so alone without you;
Maybe you’ll be lonesome too;
Fly the ocean in a silver plane;
See the jungle when it’s wet with rain;
Just remember till you’re home again;
You belong to me…”

Applause filled the pub. Chris felt his face flush again. He handed the guitar back to Griffin. People patted him on the back. He even heard some say, “That kid has got it going on! Running a farm, getting a girl, and singing! Lord, this guy will live forever!” But what they didn’t know was what was being planned behind the back doors…

“Not good! That drink had a love potion in it… Why in the world did you put it in there, Romana? I had to steal it from her!! It’s going to affect Lumina too!!!!!” Rock had bellowed from the top off his lungs. Lumina’s grandmother’s eyes narrowed. “Because you are going to kiss her! I’ve got a plan, and I need you’re help.” She looked at the two teenagers. Muffy was shaking. “I don’t like this. Chris is so… fabulous! Killing him off would be horrible for me! I plan on going out on a date with him.” “Which is why you’re here!” Rock smacked the back of her head. “You are going to woo Chris into falling for you. And Romana, “ He turned to the old woman, “If I am going to kiss her, why should HE drink the love potion? He might kiss Lumina by accident!” Romana glared at him. “ Hey I am an old lady! I don’t think before I act!” Rocked glared back at her. “Well after living for ninety-six years, I would have thought you would have been wiser.” Muffy coughed. “ How about the next festival, a romantic one too. You can get the kiss, get the girl, and not have to murder someone.” Rock and Romana slowly looked at her. “The stupid one has a smart plan.” Rock muttered. “All right. We’ll do it. We just have o make sure they don’t get to close.” Muffy smiled and Romana stiffly nodded her head. They slinked back out to the main part of the bar. Chris and Lumina were over by a table, laughing their heads off. “Oh my gosh! He really did that?” Lumina said, chuckling. “Yes! It was hilarious!” Chris broke out laughing again. His laugh rang out through the building. Everyone could tell they had had one drink too many. Though his sight was a little blurred, he could still see Rock, Muffy, and Romana come out of the back room. Rock immediately came over and said, “I see you two are drunk.” He gave Lumina a huge grin. She glared. Well she doesn’t get affected that much. Chris thought to himself. “I’ll take Lumina home. Chris, I think you should to.” Lumina shot up. “If any one is taking me home, it’s Grandma or Chris.” Chris felt his face go red. “I’ll take her home.” Rock glared at Chris. “She can go home with you, or me, or Romana. Lumina,” Chris said and turned to her, “I you want to come with me, I’m going now. Excuse me.” Chris said calmly pushing his way through. He just walked out the door, when Lumina came out behind him. He smiled and changed his direction to The Villa. “So you want to come with me, eh?” Chris said not keeping his eyes off the trail. “Better than anyone else!” Lumina ran to his side. Chris’s smile changed to a frown. “So you don’t like my company?” Her face looked pained. “Of course I enjoy having you here!” The reply was shocked. He couldn’t help but smile. “Got you.” Chris looked over at her. She rolled her eyes. Lumina looked up and sighed. He turned and saw the huge mansion in front of him. Chris sighed too. “We have arrived at our destination. Please exit the plane in an orderly fashion.” Chris opened the two doors and waited like a butler. Sebastian walked over and patted his shoulder. “You could be a body guard! How about it?” Chris chuckled. “I think I have enough on my plate.” He looked over at Lumina. “See you later then.” The trail and the trees consumed him as he walked into them. The walk seemed to take longer without the voice of someone else. So for what seemed like hours, but only took a minute or two, he walked lost in his thoughts. He woke up when he stubbed his toe on a rock. He looked around and saw that he was in his farm, on the field. Chris ran over to his house and threw on some sweats. Jumping into bed, he looked at the clock. 1 AM. He pulled the covers over his head and shut his eyes.

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Number of posts : 64
Age : 28
Location : Zoning randomly..... Wait what?
Registration date : 2009-01-01

A Harvest Moon Dream Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Harvest Moon Dream   A Harvest Moon Dream Icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2009 1:33 pm

Chirping of birds woke Chris up. Stretching, he got up and walked over to the kitchen. He pulled out eggs from the fridge and cracked them onto the frying pan. The crackling sound filled the room. Chris grabbed a plate and a glass, put them on the table, and walked over to the frying pan. Grabbing the handle, he brought it over to his plate and pushed the egg onto it. He put the pan away and filled his glass with milk. It was going to be a long day. He needed energy to keep smashing the boulders he was going to tackle today. Chris shoved the egg in his mouth and gulped down the milk. Throwing on some jeans and a t-shirt, he grabbed his hammer and dashed out the door. “Well, better get going.” He muttered to himself. The field looked better than before, but the run down buildings needed to be fixed. THWOMP! Chris threw the hammer on the rock. CRACK! The rock broke apart. “UGH!” Chris grunted as he picked up the remains and put them in the stone shed. The pattern lasted for hours.
“Whoa!” Takaura exclaimed as he came out of his house. “Let me help.” He grabbed his hammer and started to smash the other rocks. “Thanks.” Chris yelled over the noise. It continued throughout the entire day. Sweat dripped down their faces. “Water break.” Chris called over to Takarua. They grabbed water bottles and gulped down the water. “This is not good for my back.” Takaura whispered, half laughing. Chris chuckled. “Well then you’re out of shape, you old man!” Takaura laughed. “Come on. Only two left.” He pointed to the two boulders in the middle. Chris sighed. The sounds of two rocks breaking rang through the air. They both grunted when they picked up the remains. Tossing them into the shed, they sat back and admired the clear field. “I haven’t seen it like this in forever.” Takaura mumbled. “And Tomorrow I’m calling a carpenter to help me with the buildings. Then I’m going to start growing crops.” Chris shook his head as he recited the plan he had memorized. Takaura looked over at the stable. “Hmm…” he muttered. “Hello?” A woman’s voice boomed. They both turned to see Ruby holding to trays of food. “I heard you two working and I figured that you would be too tired to cook. So I made something for ya’ll.” She smiled. Chris grinned and Takaura shook his head. “What this village would do without you, Ruby.” “Well why don’t you rest over at the Inn for a bit?” Chris and Takaura looked at each other and shrugged. They put down their hammers and followed Ruby to the Inn. Inside was warm and welcoming. Chris sat across from Takaura in the kitchen. Ruby placed to dishes in front of them. “Dig in. I’m going to go get everyone else. It’s time for us all to eat.” She scurried out the door. “This is good!” Chris exclaimed after tasting the soup. Takaura smiled. “Well Ruby has a secret to all of her recipes. No one knows about it, but it makes even the simplest of dishes taste superior.” Eating slowly, they talked about the barn and what animals to put in it. Suddenly, Rock, Nami, Ruby, and Tim entered the room. “Hey Chris!” Tim called out. His big voice rang in Chris’s ears. “Hello Tim.” Chris smiled. Rock grabbed his plate and sat a distance away from him. “Chris.” Nami nodded her head. Chris gave her a short wave. Ruby was beaming. “Everyone eat up! This is all leftovers and I need to get it out of the way.” Everyone was chatting and eating, occasionally busting out about how good the food tasted. Everyone, except Rock, that is. He kept to himself and quickly finished his dinner. Chris sighed and shook his head when Rock dashed out of he room. “Hey, what’s up?” Takaura whispered to him. “Oh, nothing. It’s just, well, I don’t think Rock likes me much.” Chris muttered. Takaura couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well rumor has it he think you’re trying to steal his girl.” When Chris looked at him inquiringly, he just went back to eating his soup.
“So Chris, tell me, why did you want to come here? I mean, the city is a much better place than Forget-Me-Not.” Tim asked. Chris laughed. “Trust me, I am living ten times better here than in the city.” Tim chuckled and left the room, his plate empty. Then Nami left, and Ruby gathered up all the plates. Chris and Takaura stood up and helped her clean up. “Thanks for the meal. It was delicious.” They said once the dishes were done. “Oh don’t thank me! I should be thanking you! Dishes take me forever.” She grinned. “Well we better get some shut eye. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.” Chris said as they walked out the door. As they walked into the farm, Takaura turned and went for his house. Chris looked over at his house. It looked welcoming, with a warm bed waiting for him. When he started to walk over to it, he heard a small noise. He turned his head to see Lumina standing in the entrance. “Err...Hi.” She mumbled. Chris smiled. “Just can’t go a day without me.” He said walking over to her. Lumina glared at him but she had a smile on her face, so he knew she was just playing. “So what brings you to my farm?” He asked. “Oh well I had a boring day. I might as well end it on a good point.” Chris grinned at her reply. “Talking to me is a good point? I’m touched.” He said jokingly. Lumina rolled her eyes. “You sound like Rock sometimes.” The grin was wiped off of his face immediately. “Oh? Would you rather me not make jokes?” Chris asked, serious this time. Lumina pondered over this for a minute. “I like your jokes, even though they are a lot like his, but I don’t want you to stop.” Chris nodded and looked around his farm. “So tomorrow I’m fixing the barn.” He said bluntly with a shrug. Lumina gasped. “Really? How long will it take? Are you fixing it alone?” She had worry in her eyes as she spoke, but Chris just chuckled. “Yes really. It’ll take about three days. No, I hired a man named Willie to come help me. Why the sudden twenty questions?” He asked. Lumina blushed and simply said. “Well I was just wondering if you needed some thing to help you fix it that’s all. “ She put her hands behind her back and twirled the dirt with her foot. Chris smiled. “Thanks for worrying about me, but I can do this.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a paper attached to his window. Indicating for her to follow, he walked over to it and ripped it off.

©️ Boulder Angels
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Number of posts : 64
Age : 28
Location : Zoning randomly..... Wait what?
Registration date : 2009-01-01

A Harvest Moon Dream Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Harvest Moon Dream   A Harvest Moon Dream Icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2009 1:34 pm

Chris looked over at Lumina. “Did you know about this?” He asked. She shook her head. “I would be the first to know...” She looked out at the field, eyes sparkling from the light of the sun. Chris scratched the back of his head, “Well…. Err... “ He was unsure to what to say. Lumina looked down at her feet, the sparkle faded out of her eyes. Chris could tell that was not what she wanted to hear. “I have to go. Grandma is probably looking for me.” She said suddenly. With that, she darted out of the farm. Chris shut his eyes tightly, his hands clenched into fists. I should have asked her. She is probably peeved at me now… He kicked the fence. 7th of November…A week away…. He slowly made his way over to his house and opened the door. Without thinking, he took a shower, pulled on his pajamas, brushed his teeth, and climbed into bed. Lights off, clock ticking, Chris was lost in thought. “How am I going to ask her?” He thought aloud. He searched his mind for ways to make sure it wasn’t awkward, but his brain was dead. Maybe after good nights sleep... And soon, he was in a deep sleep.


The alarm blared in Chris’s ear. His eyes flashed open, and he shot over to the closet. Pulling out his overalls and t-shirt, his mind ran through a plan he had just come up with. Chris ran outside and grabbed his cap just as the carpenter drove into his farm. “G’day sir.” The man called. “G’day. Willie right?” Chris asked as he shook the man’s hand. Willie nodded. “Yup. That’s me, Willie the carpenter. I understand that you are fixing up your barn?” He pointed to the big building covered in moss near the pasture. Chris sighed and nodded. “I need to buy some animals to make a living off of, but my barn is in a terrible state.” They walked over to the run-down barn. Willie scratched his chin as he inspected the damage. “You got me for three days. I brought some supplies, but it’ll cost more to use ‘em.” Chris slowly shook his head. “Nah, I got my own lumber. Thanks though.” Willie went over to his lumber shed and picked out all of the pieces of wood. “Then let’s get started!” Willie exclaimed with gleaming eyes. Chris nodded eagerly as they started pulling off the moss devouring the building. It was hours after they started when the moss was completely gone. They had used clippers to yank off the vines that wrapped around the barn. Finally, Chris pulled out a wheelbarrow full of cleanly chopped pieces of wood. Willie grabbed arms full of the wood and placed it nearby the barn. He picked up one and carefully put it on the wall. Chris tried to copy his movements. It took five hours to cover two of the walls. “Now, tomorrow we will finish the outside.” Willie confirmed. “After that, we will work on the inside and the roof.” Chris surveyed the job. The two walls now had smooth, clean wood shielding it from damage. Willie had said that not removing the old wall would make sure that the barn wouldn’t fall easily. Hands in his pockets, Willie nodded his good-bye, and jumped into his car. Chris waved as the truck pulled out of the entrance. Hurrying, he ran into his house and took a quick shower. He attempted to fix his messy hair, but failed, as it wouldn’t stay. He pulled on some nice jeans and a black long-sleeved shirt. Brushing his teeth viciously, Chris made sure that he looked nice before going to the large villa. Slowly, he walked out of the farm. His mind was racing. What am I going to say? Will she be shocked or pleased? Is she going to say yes or no? He didn’t even realize the steadily approaching mansion. In his left hand, was a single rose from a nearby meadow that he handpicked? Stopping just before he got to the door, he hesitantly raised his hand to knock. His hand was hovering over the double door. After what seemed like eternity, he finally let his hand fall onto the dark wood, twice. Chris heard footsteps shuffling closer to the door, and an old man answered. He was short and stout, but he was grinning ear to ear. The man was wearing a plaid sweater and a faded pair of corduroy pants. Chris remembered him as the butler, Sebastian, whom Lumina had introduced to him on his first day. “Ah, Chris, come in, come in.” Chris slowly stepped through the door. Shocked that Sebastian knew his name, he almost missed how beautiful it was inside the villa. Very old fashioned, and yet, it reminded him of the Titanic. The carpet had a fancy pattern spread on it, and it was covered by a large piano. He saw various sofas and tables nearby, and cloths covered the mahogany wood. Straight in front of Chris, were some stairs. Not just any stairs, but graceful and yet petite spiraling stairs. The steps were made out of marble, and the railings had beautiful carvings in the cherry wood. He heard Sebastian chuckle as he led Chris up the stone steps. They approached large double doors that had “The Angel” engraved in the middle. Chris, panicking, stopped the butler before he opened the door. “This is going to sound silly,” Chris asked with a shaky voice, “But how do I look?” Sebastian smiled at him and opened the door. “Handsome.” He whispered before Chris stumbled in. Lumina was perched on a small chair near a tabled covered with her dinner. She had a book in her hand, and a cup in the other. Chris bowed deeply and said, “For the fair maiden,” As he handed her the single rose. Blush covered her face as she gave a small smile. “Rise and report.” Her voice rang in the large room. She crossed her legs and placed her hands on top of her knees. Straitening up, Chris inhaled slowly before saying, “A young farmer sent me to ask the maiden if she would accompany him to the Fall Ball?” His legs screamed to sit down. They wobbled like mad. What seemed like forever, there was silence. Lumina’s eyes were wide with shock; she had obviously thought he wasn’t going to ask her. “Well,” She started. More pause. She cleared her throat and said, “Please tell the young farmer that she will gladly go with him if he promises to tell her Grandmother where she will be in six nights.” Chris exhaled in relief. “I shall tell Romana.” He headed towards the door. Stopping half way through the door, he turned and said, “Thank you.” Lumina barely smiled. With that, he shut the door. A small yelp of pleasure was heard from behind him.
Grinning slightly to himself, Chris began to walk down the steps. Lost in his own thoughts, he stumbled right into someone coming up. “Oh I’m so sor-“ But he stopped mid sentence. Rock was standing in front of him, forcing a smile. “No, it’s okay, really.” He said with a calm tone, even though his eyes were full of irritation.
Chris gave a weary smile and continued to walk down the steps, aware of eyes burning into his back. Swiftly, he jogged over to the double doors and threw himself outside.
The cold night air engulfed Chris, sending a shiver down his spine. Hurrying down the street, he suddenly wondered if Rock was there to ask Lumina to the dance.
Pushing the thought out of his mind, he smiled as he realized that this meant Lumina was his girlfriend. The picture of Lumina by his side, holding his hand, made him glow with pleasure.
The walk back to his farm was a short one. He quickly went into his house, and to his surprise, he was extremely tired. He simply pulled off his shirt and plopped onto his bed.

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Super Rper!
Super Rper!

Number of posts : 204
Location : SKYDIVING!! *whoosh* AHHHHH!
Registration date : 2008-12-29

A Harvest Moon Dream Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Harvest Moon Dream   A Harvest Moon Dream Icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2009 1:40 pm

I love it!
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Number of posts : 64
Age : 28
Location : Zoning randomly..... Wait what?
Registration date : 2009-01-01

A Harvest Moon Dream Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Harvest Moon Dream   A Harvest Moon Dream Icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2009 1:42 pm

You read it all?

Why thank you!
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Super Rper!
Super Rper!

Number of posts : 204
Location : SKYDIVING!! *whoosh* AHHHHH!
Registration date : 2008-12-29

A Harvest Moon Dream Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Harvest Moon Dream   A Harvest Moon Dream Icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2009 1:48 pm

Yes!!!! I love harvest moon!

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Number of posts : 64
Age : 28
Location : Zoning randomly..... Wait what?
Registration date : 2009-01-01

A Harvest Moon Dream Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Harvest Moon Dream   A Harvest Moon Dream Icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2009 1:51 pm

^_^ I'm glad to hear that! Not many people know what Harvest Moon is!
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PostSubject: Re: A Harvest Moon Dream   A Harvest Moon Dream Icon_minitime

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